Brown horse and companion in a blue vest standing on lush garden lawn with willow trees.
Close-up portrait of a brown horse wearing bridle with companion in denim jacket.
Brown horse and companion in blue vest sharing a tender moment at wooden fence.
Horse and companion in blue dress standing together in sunlit garden pathway.
Brown horse and companion in blue vest standing behind rustic stone wall with green hedge.
A beautiful chestnut horse wearing a halter poses with its companion in a sunny forest setting.
Two dark horses lean in close together at a wooden fence in an artistic black and white portrait.

“I loved the time Imogen took, nothing was rushed it was all very relaxed she knew exactly how to capture the girls looking their best.
I’m really pleased they are such lovely images to have and treasure as I always buy event XC photos but to have some ones at home and behind the scenes is very special.”

"Both my girls mean a lot to me and it’s so precious to capture the behind the scenes moments not just the event ones. So it was something I had always wanted to do.

Imogen’s constant communication made me feel at total ease. The pre shoot emails and welcome package was detailed and easy to understand so I could plan exactly how the day would look. Imogen was lovely and so nice. I was pleased with how it went, I got all the shots I wanted and they all turned out beautifully.

The in person viewing session was so useful and to go through them with Imogen was amazing. I loved the time Imogen took, nothing was rushed it was all very relaxed she knew exactly how to capture the girls looking their best. The images turned out better than I expected. Imogen captured exactly what I wanted and the images really showed the girls characters.

I’m really pleased they are such lovely images to have and treasure as I always buy event XC photos but to have some ones at home and behind the scenes is very special."

-Millie Ludiman

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A gentle brown horse with a bridle shares a tender moment in a lush green outdoor setting.

Back in July I got to go up north into the beautiful Yorkshire countryside to Millie's family home in Brandsby. Summer can be a really difficult time for eventers to squeeze in something like a photoshoot, all the training and competitions often leave room for little else, especially when you have two gorgeous girls on the go!

All of my clients will know when it comes to directions you have to explain it to me like I'm 5. Thank god for Apple maps because if I had to find my own way I don't think I'd ever make it to a client's location.

The reason I mention this is because I had been looking for lavender farms to take my dogs to the week before, and I had totally forgot about it. So seeing a York post code in my maps history, I clicked that thinking it was Millie's. To drive a couple hours to see my destination was a lavender farm I though cr*p!!! Of course I had no signal what so ever so I couldn't re route my maps either. Cue panic!

Luckily for me the farm was only 10 minutes away from Millies (hello?! Like how bloody lucky is that?! Yorkshire is a big place!), so I managed to drive to signal then ring her with lots of apologies and arrive at the correct postcode 10 minutes later. Phew!

Want to see yourself in gorgeous images like these? Get in touch using the button below.

A brown horse peeks through a stable window at a rustic wooden barn.
A close-up portrait of a bay horse wearing leather tack against a natural background.

Want to see yourself in gorgeous images like these? Get in touch using the button below.

Millie had picked out 3 gorgeous outfits for her shoot. The first was a beautiful skirt from one of her sponsors, Hoboko, paired with a gorgeous blue jumper and white shirt. A quick change of the bottom half to gorgeous deep blue velvet flares for the second, then she went with a white short dress and denim jacket for the third. All these were dressed up with some lovely bits of jewellery which I think really elevated the look.

Their stunning Yorkshire home was full of wonderful locations, the greens of summer really popped. We used the front of the house which was covered in ivy, a very well manicured front garden with beautiful stone walls, we also used their little lake which was surrounded by a gorgeous lawn and varying green foliage (thanks to Millie's dad for letting us go on there!), this made a lovely window through to the other side, as well as the wooden stable block, the school gate, and a beautiful big tree in the jumping field.

The blues of Millie's outfits against the greens just worked so well, especially with the girls being bay I really loved how it all came together in this shoot.

I love working with eventers as well, you always need to keep them occupied in some sort of way. They're so used to all that goes on at events that they can get bored easily, so we worked quickly and kept the girls moving from location to location to keep them alert and happy.

I really loved this shoot, it's so lovely seeing these guys relaxed at home away from the challenges of the cross country courses. That's what it's all about at the end of the day, a very special bond.

Two horses walk alongside their companion on a garden path lined with hedges.

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